Thursday, June 30, 2011
An armed robbery was committed at Bangla Link, the cell phone store at 132 Church Avenue, at the corner of E. 2nd Street next to Shaj Ghar and two stores away from New McDonald Fruit Corner. The incident took place on Tuesday, June 28th, at 2:20 p.m. The robber, who had a gun, escaped.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Three felonies were reported to the 66th Precinct for Kensington from June 20th through June 26th.
- Burglary: On June 24th at 11:00 a.m., an unknown perpetrator entered 330 Ocean Parkway (between Beverley Road and Avenue C) through a rear window fire escape and removed electronics and jewelry from an apartment. Nobody was arrested.
- Grand Larceny: On June 22nd at 5:00 p.m., in front of 972 McDonald Avenue (between 18th Avenue and Webster Avenue), an unknown perpetrator removed a purse from a civilian. The civilian was uninjured. No arrest was made.
- Grand Larceny: On June 22nd at noon, in front of 399 Ocean Parkway (between Avenue C and Cortelyou Road), an unknown perpetrator removed a civilian's pocketbook from the bench she was sitting on. The civilian was uninjured. No arrest was made.
Sunday, July 10th, 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
1980s Costume Dance Party
to benefit The Merry Wives of Windsor (Terrace)
Cocktails/Food/Raffle/Prizes for Best Costumes/Dancing/ DJ
Meet the Artists/Dress to Kill/Dance to all your ’80s Favorites.
Meet the Artists/Dress to Kill/Dance to all your ’80s Favorites.
At the door: $35 general admission
under 25 and seniors: $25
under 25 and seniors: $25
For $30 advance tickets,
click here and write "Merry Wives Gala" in the notes.
The party will be at Shepherd’s Hall at Holy Name of Jesus,
245 Prospect Park West, at the corner of Prospect Avenue.
Phone: (718) 768-3071
Fax: (718) 369-2039
245 Prospect Park West, at the corner of Prospect Avenue.
Phone: (718) 768-3071
Fax: (718) 369-2039
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"New York City’s Department of Transportation deactivated 77 percent of the pedestrian walk push buttons at intersections and left the signs telling pedestrians to use them. It was 25 years before it was revealed in 2004 that they had become mechanical placebos. For 25 years cars whizzed by hapless pedestrians waiting for a useless walk button to stop traffic."--Sprawl Kills: How Blandburbs Steal Your Time, Health and Money by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn
The traffic control button that was removed from Caton Avenue at E. 2nd Street might have been functional--or it might have been one of those placebos.
In an attempt to increase the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, the City Council voted last Wednesday to require the NYPD to (1) publicly post the number of summonses it issues for moving violations and (2) publicly post crash information. The data must be broken down by borough, division, and precinct, and traffic crashes and traffic-related fatalities and injuries must be further broken down by intersection so that it can be analyzed. The data must be updated monthly.
The figures for summonses issued in May and during the year-to-date have been posted on the NYPD website.
The new law requiring this is Local Law 12, entitled "Saving Lives Through Better Information Act."
Summons breakdown for May and the year-to-date:
Summons breakdown for May and the year-to-date:
- 66th Precinct: The two most frequent offenses are using a cell phone and adults not using a seat belt.
- 70th Precinct: The majority are for using a cell phone and for adults not using a seat belt.
- 72nd Precinct: The top four offenses are using a cell phone, adults not using a seat belt, brake lights, and unlicensed drivers.
- other precincts
- citywide
Other information that will have to be included is
- the type of vehicle or vehicles involved,
- the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians involved, and
- the number of traffic-related fatalities and injuries. This has to be broken down by
- the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved, and
- the apparent human contributing factor or factors involved in the crash, including, but not limited to alcohol, driver inattention/distraction, speeding, failure to yield, and use of cell phones or other mobile devices.
The full law:
No. 12
No. 12
By Council Members Lappin, Brewer, Chin, Comrie, Fidler, Gentile, Gonzalez, James, Koppell, Koslowitz, Lander, Palma, Garodnick, Mealy, Rose, Jackson, Van Bramer, Barron, Mendez, Levin, Nelson, Gennaro, Recchia Jr., Rodriguez, Reyna, Dromm, Koo, Weprin, Greenfield, and The Public Advocate (Mr. de Blasio)
To amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to pedestrian safety reporting.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Chapter one of title 14 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 14-153 to read as follows:
§14-153 Traffic data. a. The department shall publish on its website the following traffic-related data: (1) the number of moving violation summonses issued, disaggregated by type of summons; (2) the number of traffic crashes, disaggregated by (i) the type of vehicle or vehicles involved and (ii) the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved; and (3) the number of traffic-related fatalities and injuries disaggregated by (i) the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved; and (ii) the apparent human contributing factor or factors involved in the crash, including, but not limited to alcohol, driver inattention/distraction, speeding, failure to yield and use of cell phones or other mobile devices.
b. The data required pursuant to this section shall be published on the department's website for the whole city and disaggregated by borough and police precinct, and shall be searchable by intersection, except for the data required under paragraph one of subdivision a, which shall be disaggregated by borough and police precinct only. Such data shall be updated at least once every month.
§2. Section 19-180 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law 11 for the year 2008, is amended to read as follows:
§19-180 Safety audits of crash locations involving pedestrians a. Within one hundred and eighty days of receiving access to New York state department of motor vehicles traffic crash data involving pedestrian injuries or fatalities for the previous calendar year, the department shall:
1. Identify the twenty highest crash locations based upon a ranking of the total number of crashes involving pedestrians killed or seriously injured, occurring over a five-year period and selected proportionally by borough based upon the percentage of total crashes involving pedestrians in such borough; and
2. Inspect and conduct audits at such locations and, where warranted, make improvements or incorporate improvements into capital projects.
b. Within thirty days of completing the inspections and audits required under paragraph 2 of subdivision a of this section, the department shall send a report noting such inspection and audit and summarizing its recommendations and steps to be taken, including a schedule to implement such recommendations, to the council member and community board in whose district the crash location is located.
c. If any crash location appears on the department's annual list of twenty highest crash locations involving pedestrians [in two] more than once in five consecutive years, such location shall be removed from the annual list and replaced by the location with the next highest number of crashes involving pedestrians located within the same borough as the consecutively appearing location; provided that the department shall continue to monitor such crash data and/or make safety improvements at such removed location until such removed location is no longer one of the highest crash locations.
d. For purposes of this section, “seriously injured” shall mean those injuries categorized as “A” injuries by the New York state department of motor vehicles.
§ 3. Section 19-181 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law number 11 for the year 2008, is amended to read as follows:
§19-181 Safety inspections at locations exhibiting a pattern of crashes involving pedestrians and/or bicyclists. a. Within ninety days of receiving access to New York state department of motor vehicles traffic crash data involving pedestrians and/or bicyclists, the department shall inspect every location with [five] four or more serious injuries or fatalities involving pedestrians and/or bicyclists during the prior [twelve month] five-year period.
b. Within ninety days of notice of a traffic crash involving a fatality, the department shall conduct an inspection of the traffic crash location.
§19-181 Safety inspections at locations exhibiting a pattern of crashes involving pedestrians and/or bicyclists. a. Within ninety days of receiving access to New York state department of motor vehicles traffic crash data involving pedestrians and/or bicyclists, the department shall inspect every location with [five] four or more serious injuries or fatalities involving pedestrians and/or bicyclists during the prior [twelve month] five-year period.
b. Within ninety days of notice of a traffic crash involving a fatality, the department shall conduct an inspection of the traffic crash location.
c. The department shall act upon any inspection recommendations, if warranted.
d. The department shall make the results of the inspections required under subdivisions a and b or any actions required by subdivision c of this section available upon request to the public.
e. For purposes of this section, “serious injury” shall mean those injuries categorized as “A” injuries by the New York state department of motor vehicles.
§4. Section 19-182 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as added by local law 11 for the year 2008, is amended to read as follows:
§19-182 Comprehensive study of pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries. a. [The]Every five years, the department shall conduct a comprehensive study of all traffic crashes involving a pedestrian fatality or serious injury for the most recent five years where traffic crash data is available. In each such study, the department shall analyze the conditions and factors associated with each such traffic crash and identify common factors among the crashes, if any. The department shall use such [study] studies to develop strategies to improve pedestrian safety, which may include modifying citywide traffic operations policy, developing pedestrian safety strategies geared towards specific users, including, but not limited to, installation of audible pedestrian signals and other devices to assist those with sight, hearing and mobility impairments, prioritizing locations and/or types of roadways or intersections for safety improvements and making recommendations for improving safety at such locations.
b. The first comprehensive traffic study [required under subdivision a of this section shall be submitted to the mayor and council by the thirtieth day of august, two thousand and nine. The] and plans, including a schedule for implementing strategies for improving pedestrian safety generated by such study, shall be submitted to the mayor and council by the thirtieth day of november, two thousand and [nine] fifteen. Subsequent studies and plans shall be submitted to the mayor and council every five years thereafter by the thirtieth of november in every such year.
§19-182 Comprehensive study of pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries. a. [The]Every five years, the department shall conduct a comprehensive study of all traffic crashes involving a pedestrian fatality or serious injury for the most recent five years where traffic crash data is available. In each such study, the department shall analyze the conditions and factors associated with each such traffic crash and identify common factors among the crashes, if any. The department shall use such [study] studies to develop strategies to improve pedestrian safety, which may include modifying citywide traffic operations policy, developing pedestrian safety strategies geared towards specific users, including, but not limited to, installation of audible pedestrian signals and other devices to assist those with sight, hearing and mobility impairments, prioritizing locations and/or types of roadways or intersections for safety improvements and making recommendations for improving safety at such locations.
b. The first comprehensive traffic study [required under subdivision a of this section shall be submitted to the mayor and council by the thirtieth day of august, two thousand and nine. The] and plans, including a schedule for implementing strategies for improving pedestrian safety generated by such study, shall be submitted to the mayor and council by the thirtieth day of november, two thousand and [nine] fifteen. Subsequent studies and plans shall be submitted to the mayor and council every five years thereafter by the thirtieth of november in every such year.
§5. Title 19 of the administrative code of the city of New York is amended by adding a new section 19-184 to read as follows:
§19-184 Interagency roadway safety plan. a. The department shall develop an interagency plan to improve roadway safety, which shall be designed to, among other things, reduce the incidents of traffic violations, crashes, injuries and fatalities.
b. Such plan shall identify key agencies and groups that the department shall meet with at least monthly to work on improving roadway safety and shall include, but not be limited to:
i. Proposed programs and initiatives to reduce traffic violations and to encourage traffic calming and safety measures;
§19-184 Interagency roadway safety plan. a. The department shall develop an interagency plan to improve roadway safety, which shall be designed to, among other things, reduce the incidents of traffic violations, crashes, injuries and fatalities.
b. Such plan shall identify key agencies and groups that the department shall meet with at least monthly to work on improving roadway safety and shall include, but not be limited to:
i. Proposed programs and initiatives to reduce traffic violations and to encourage traffic calming and safety measures;
ii. Suggestions for behavioral modification to reduce crashes in the city, such as education and strategic traffic enforcement;
iii. A plan to increase collaboration between the department and the police department on roadway safety; and
iv. A schedule for implementing the proposals contained in such plan.
c. The department shall issue such plan to the mayor and council ninety days after the date on which the local law that added this section takes effect. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the strategies for improving roadway safety, whether any strategies were implemented, and the status of such implementation.
§6. This local law shall take effect one hundred twenty days after it is enacted into law.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a local law of The City of New York, passed by the Council on ……February 16, 2011…………. and approved by the Mayor on ……February 22, 2011……………………………….
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a local law of The City of New York, passed by the Council on ……February 16, 2011…………. and approved by the Mayor on ……February 22, 2011……………………………….
City Clerk, Clerk of the Council.
Pursuant to the provisions of Municipal Home Rule Law §27, I hereby certify that the enclosed Local Law (Local Law 12 of 2011, Council Int. No. 370A) contains the correct text and was passed by the New York City Council on February 16, 2011, approved by the Mayor on February 22, 2011 and returned to the City Clerk on February 22, 2011.
Pursuant to the provisions of Municipal Home Rule Law §27, I hereby certify that the enclosed Local Law (Local Law 12 of 2011, Council Int. No. 370A) contains the correct text and was passed by the New York City Council on February 16, 2011, approved by the Mayor on February 22, 2011 and returned to the City Clerk on February 22, 2011.
Acting Corporation Counsel.
The mayor and the City Council have agreed on a budget for 2012. The City Council will vote on it next week. It goes into effect on July 1st.
4,100 teachers will not be laid off, and twenty firehouses will not be closed. Taxes won't be increased, and the budget will use the approximately $3.6 billion left over from the previous budget and the approximately $700 million that's in the Retiree Health Benefit Trust.
Schools and adult-literacy programs will lose employees through attrition (quitting or retiring), 200 case workers were restored to the Administration for Children's Services as well as other positions, some senior centers and day care programs were eliminated, public pools will be open (for a full season, starting Wednesday, June 29th), and libraries will be open five days a week, down from six.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Garri Matnadze will be giving a free Art in the Park class for ages 3 to 5 in Greenwood Playground on Sunday, June 26th, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Please read our earlier post about his classes.
A student at P.S. 154 was recently diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder that has no cure. However, experimental treatments are available, including a bone marrow transplant in which cells with a defective gene are replaced by cells with a normal gene.
The disorder is adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). It destroys nerve cells throughout the brain. The body can't break down big fat molecules. Symptoms include visual disturbances, impaired coordination, dementia, and seizures. The symptoms progress rapidly and lead to a vegetative state within two years and death anytime after that.
In hopes of saving this child's life, P.S. 154 is holding a bone marrow drive on Monday, June 27th, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
People are eligible to donate if they're age 18 to age 60 and they don't have
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Back, Neck, Hip, and Spine issues related to Herniation
- Bleeding Problems
- Brain Injury/Surgery
- Breathing Problems/Sleep Apnea
- Cancer
- Diabetes - Insulin Dependent
- Epilepsy
- Heart Disease/Stroke
- Hepatitis
- Kidney Problems
- Liver Disease
- Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Disease
- Organ or Tissue Transplant
- Pregnancy
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Tuberculosis
At the bone marrow drive, people will be asked to complete a registration form with contact information, health information, and a signed agreement to join the Be The Match Registry.
To help you complete the form, bring along:
To help you complete the form, bring along:
- Personal identification, such as a driver's license or passport and
- Contact information for two family members or friends who would know how to reach you in the future if your contact information changes.
You'll give four swab samples of your cheek cells to be tissue-typed. The results will be used to match you to patients.
The subsidized cost for this drive is $25 per registrant. If you can't pay but you want to join, the cost will be covered for you.
For more information, visit the Be the Match website.
The subsidized cost for this drive is $25 per registrant. If you can't pay but you want to join, the cost will be covered for you.
For more information, visit the Be the Match website.
P.S. 154 is at 1625 11th Avenue at the corner of Sherman Street.
The world isn't always a safe place, and that includes our neighborhood. For their own safety, children need to be alert and aware when they're outdoors. This doesn't mean they should live in fear--just that they should be attentive.
Below are tips from City Councilmember Brad Lander for navigating the streets safely, what to do if you get approached by someone who looks threatening, and how to approach a New York City police officer.
Below are tips from City Councilmember Brad Lander for navigating the streets safely, what to do if you get approached by someone who looks threatening, and how to approach a New York City police officer.
UPDATE: Garri will be giving a free class for ages 3 to 5 in Greenwood Playground on Sunday, June 26th, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
From Garri Matnadze of Art in the Park:
From Garri Matnadze of Art in the Park:
Our summer sessions, Art in the Park, meet on Monday through Friday from 9:00am-11:00am.
All classes meet once a week and run from July 11th through September 2nd for 7 classes (come to 7 out of 8 classes).
Students will have opportunities to explore with natural materials while expressing themselves creatively. Projects in this discovery-based art and nature class include nature prints, mud painting, and earth art and nature sculptures.
Art in the Park will be led by professional artist and art educator Garri Matnadze, founder of M.GARO Design ( Registration is required. Register online at, call 917-340-4087, or e-mail artclasses [at]
Friday, June 24, 2011
Bake Sale
Saturday, June 25th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The bake sale is a fund raiser to help neighbor Katie McGloin, a thirty-one-year-old mother of two young boys (six months and four years), who was recently diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. Her road to recovery will be expensive.
All proceeds will go to Katie and her family. Donations are welcome.
14 Reeve Place, between Prospect Avenue and E. 7th Street
The bake sale is sponsored by the children and parents of the Pre-K 3B class of 2011 at Immaculate Heart of Mary and Chi-Chi NY Inc.
From Friday, June 24th (tonight), at 11:00 p.m. through Monday, June 27th, at 5:00 a.m., the G train won't be running between Hoyt-Schermerhorn streets and Church Avenue. A and F trains will provide alternate service via Jay Street-MetroTech.
For service to Bergen Street, Carroll Street, 4th Avenue-9th Street, 7th Avenue, 15th Street, Fort Hamilton Parkway, and Church Avenue, take a 207th St-bound A train at Hoyt-Schermerhorn streets to Jay Street-MetroTech and transfer to a Coney Island-bound F train.
For service from Bergen Street, Carroll Street, 4th Avenue-9th Street, 7th Avenue, 15th Street, Fort Hamilton Parkway, and Church Avenue, take a Jamaica-bound F train to Jay St-MetroTech and transfer to a Lefferts Blvd/Far Rockaway-bound A train to Hoyt-Schermerhorn streets for the G train.
Note: The G trains run in two sections:
For service from Bergen Street, Carroll Street, 4th Avenue-9th Street, 7th Avenue, 15th Street, Fort Hamilton Parkway, and Church Avenue, take a Jamaica-bound F train to Jay St-MetroTech and transfer to a Lefferts Blvd/Far Rockaway-bound A train to Hoyt-Schermerhorn streets for the G train.
Note: The G trains run in two sections:
1. Between Court Square and Bedford-Nostrand avenues and
2. Between Bedford-Nostrand avenues and Hoyt-Schermerhorn streets, every 20 minutes.
• Transfer at Bedford-Nostrand avenues to continue your trip.
Note: Smith-9th streets station is closed for rehabilitation.
2. Between Bedford-Nostrand avenues and Hoyt-Schermerhorn streets, every 20 minutes.
• Transfer at Bedford-Nostrand avenues to continue your trip.
Note: Smith-9th streets station is closed for rehabilitation.
Four tickets are being raffled
to see
the New York Yankees vs. the Oakland Athletics
on Wednesday, August 24th, at 7:05 p.m.,
at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.
The seats are on the Main Level,
Section 211, Row 9, Seats 12 to 15.
One raffle ticket costs $10.
The raffle is limited to 250 tickets.
The drawing will be on Sunday, August 14th.
Call (718) 871-1310, extension 10 to reserve your ticket.
Proceeds will benefit
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.
This opossum--along with a variety of other animals, including vermin--lives where Mary Tyler Moore used to live, but it's now a trash-filled vacant lot. The location: Ocean Parkway, between Cortelyou Road and Ditmas Avenue.
Nicole Fitzgerald posted the video and wrote under it "This large opossum was seen ambling around in broad daylight in the vacant lot near the corner of Ocean Parkway and Ditmas Avenue. This is also the site of a large feral cat colony."
That was more than two years ago. Nothing has improved, according to an article in The Brooklyn Paper, despite repeated calls to various city agencies.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Congratulations to Shawn Campbell on being elected as the district manager for Community Board 14! For the past nine years, Shawn has been a legislative aide to Assemblymember Jim Brennan. Shawn's responsiveness to the needs of Jim's constituents has been greatly appreciated.
Community Board 14 serves Midwood, Flatbush, and parts of Kensington.
Brooklyn Community Board 14
810 E. 16th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Brooklyn, NY 11230
phone: 718-859-6357
fax: 718-421-6077
e-mail: info [at]
From The New York Times:
Between 700 and 800 Canada geese are expected to be rounded up from parks in and around New York City and killed in the next several weeks, the city Department of Environmental Protection said Thursday afternoon.
The city will not say which parks, however, or when.
But Prospect Park, currently home to about two dozen geese and a round-the-clock “goose watch” patrol aimed at thwarting a repeat of last year’s extermination, is not one of them.
Click here to read the full article.
One felony was reported to the 66th Precinct for Kensington from June 13th through June 19th.
- Grand Larceny: On June 13th at 12:45 p.m., an unknown perpetrator removed a handbag from a civilian's shoulder at the corner of Beverley Road and Ocean Parkway. The criminal didn't use a weapon, and the victim wasn't injured. Nobody was arrested.
Tonight's meeting of the Albemarle Neighborhood Association will be indoors because of the chance of rain.
At the meeting, tell Councilmember Lander what your issues, questions, and concerns about our neighborhood are: postal service, schools, car break-ins, street harassment, sanitation, shopping, broken sidewalks, rodents...or anything else!
Flatbush Jewish Center
327 E. 5th Street, corner of Church Avenue
Use the ground floor, wheelchair-accessible entrance.
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
At the meeting, tell Councilmember Lander what your issues, questions, and concerns about our neighborhood are: postal service, schools, car break-ins, street harassment, sanitation, shopping, broken sidewalks, rodents...or anything else!
Flatbush Jewish Center
327 E. 5th Street, corner of Church Avenue
Use the ground floor, wheelchair-accessible entrance.
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Jim and Keith have done a huge amount of work in the past few weeks in preparation for the July 1st opening of Steeplechase Coffee Shop on Fort Hamilton Parkway. These photos were taken today to show you the progress that's being made.
Neighbor Steve LeVine writes
Many of you have wondered (either silently or aloud) when FiOS will be available in our humble little area.
I just saw an interesting article about a Verizon FiOS pole sprouting up in Fort Greene/Clinton Hill. pole-installed-cable-and- internet-service-coming-soon/
Although it is not specific about our area or dates, here is a very interesting part that I did not know and suspect almost nobody is aware of:"By installing the poles Verizon is fulfilling the franchise agreement that state regulators approved in 2008, he said, which mandates the company to offer FiOS to every New York City household by 2014."The very short article is worth the read.
The geographic extent of this agreement is a first. As pointed out in the "Cable Franchise Agreement by and between The City of New York and Verizon New York Inc.," "no cable franchisee has ever agreed to provide Cable Service throughout the entire territorial boundaries of the Franchise Area."
The agreement is in effect for twelve years from the Effective Date or until June 30, 2020, whichever is later. At that time, Verizon can apply for renewal of its franchise.
The city requires Verizon to provide a certain number of Public Access Channels and Government/Educational Access Channels in its Basic Service Tier.
Consumer Protection Standards are spelled out in Appendix A (pages A-1 through A-31).
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Presentation of the DeWitt Clinton Award for Excellence
to Pete Hamill
The Fourth Annual Benefit for The Green-Wood Historic Fund
Gala Cocktail Reception
Gala Cocktail Reception
Thursday, September 15th, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Born and bred in Brooklyn, Pete Hamill has worked as a journalist, novelist, essayist, editor, and educator--editor of the New York Post, editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News, writer for the Village Voice and New York Newsday, and author of twenty-one books. His most recent novel is Tabloid City, published this year.
The Green-Wood Historic Fund's DeWitt Clinton Award for Excellence honors the legacy of 19th-century New York Governor DeWitt Clinton. He also served as mayor of New York City, state senator, assemblyman, and U. S. senator. Interred in Green-Wood Cemetery, Clinton was a devoted supporter of the cultural growth of the city and the state of New York.
If you have questions about the event, call Lisa Alpert at (718) 210-3011 or e-mail her at lisa_alpert[at]
If you have questions about the event, call Lisa Alpert at (718) 210-3011 or e-mail her at lisa_alpert[at]green-wood.
Influence, the women's and men's boutique clothing store at 211 Church Avenue, between E. 2nd and E. 3rd streets, closed this past weekend.
Brewklyn Grind Coffee Tasting
Sunday, June 26th, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Free coffee tasting at Brooklyn Commune of Brewklyn Grind Coffee & Tea Co., a Brooklyn-based coffee roaster and tea company started by three Brooklyn-raised brothers in 2008.
Brooklyn Commune
601 Greenwood Avenue, at the corner of Prospect Avenue
(718) 686-1044
e-mail: feedme [at]
(718) 686-1044
e-mail: feedme [at]
Prospect Farm Potluck Picnic
Sunday, June 26th, noon to 5:00 p.m.
Received from Prospect Farm:
Please join Prospect Farm this Sunday at our Potluck Picnic. Bring a dish (labeled vegan, vegetarian, or meat) with serving utensil, a blanket, and your friends and family. We will be setting up on the peninsula at Prospect Park on the north side of the lake/duck pond Sunday the 26th noon to 5 pm.
Directions: enter Prospect Park from the Parade Ground traffic circle, go left on the main path. Go right when the path forks, following the edge of lake. Walk past dumpsters and bathrooms, continue to follow the water until you get to a field. Look for red blankets. See map attached.
Feel free to call Naomi for help: (917) 535-4636.
In just the past week, Kensington/Windsor Terrace Community Supported Agriculture posted recipes for ten vegetable dishes on its website. Keep an eye peeled to see what else they post.
- Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
- Collard Greens and Cous Cous (or Quinoa)
- Broccoli Raab Pizza
- Zucchini Pickles
- Kale Chips
- Butter Braised Turnips
- Roasted Radishes with Brown Butter, Lemon, and Radish Tops
- White Bean and Garlic Scapes Dip
- Pan-Roasted Asparagus
- Broccoli Rabe with Caramelized Onions
Monday, June 20, 2011
Eating Locally: Discussion and Dinner
Monday, July 11th, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
A note from Eugenie at Brooklyn Commune:
I just wanted to update you on the tempeh dinner/local dining event that we're planning at Brooklyn Commune. The event was scheduled for June 27th, but we had to reschedule for July 11th instead. The evening will begin with a thirty-minute discussion on Barry's Tempeh and other locally-sourced ingredients and will be followed by a delicious buffet dinner by our chef, Chris Scott. The event is $20 per person, and RSVP is required. RSVP by calling us at (718) 686-1044.
Brooklyn Commune
601 Greenwood Avenue, at the corner of Prospect Avenue
(718) 686-1044
e-mail: feedme [at]
601 Greenwood Avenue, at the corner of Prospect Avenue
(718) 686-1044
e-mail: feedme [at]
A pedestrian was seriously injured by a hit-and-run bicyclist this past Saturday somewhere in Prospect Park. Two friends of hers are pleading for information from anyone who saw the accident occur.
From one of her friends [Name deleted.]:
From one of her friends [Name deleted.]:
Our friend who was hurt is still in the hospital with a serious brain injury and some broken bones. She does not remember the accident at all, but other than that, her memory and speech are intact, which we are very glad about.
We are trying to gather as much information as we can about the accident, so if you could forward our names and emails to any listservs or groups that you think might be helpful in this effort, we would be so grateful.
Many thanks,
[Name and contact information deleted. 11/11/11]
From another friend of hers [Name deleted.]:
I am writing on behalf of the friends and family of the pedestrian that was severely injured in this accident. If you saw the accident or aftermath, and know where it occurred, could you please get in touch?
We will be in the park this afternoon Sunday, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the crash, and any help would be more appreciated than you know.
Please write to me at [E-mail address deleted.]. 11/11/11] if you are able to meet us, and leave a good way to reach you. Thank you endlessly for your help. We depend on your kindness.
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Photo courtesy of Anne-Katrin Titze |
From Anne-Katrin Titze, NY State DEC licensed wildlife rehabilitator:
Goosebusters Cut Loose - Prospect Park Canada Geese - The facts are in their favorJune 20, 2011
Prospect Park officials informed me on Friday, June 17, that the contract with Goosebusters has been "stopped" and the harassment of attempting to chase out the 26 adult Canada Geese with border collies is over. In February, Ed and I met with the new Prospect Park Alliance president, Emily Lloyd to discuss our concerns and we also had meetings with her in early and late May to follow up. She has continued an open dialogue with us and has taken seriously our observations in making this decision. The correct decision based on the facts for our wildlife in 2011.
As of Monday, June 20, the adult Canada Goose count stands at 26 and since Friday, June 10, many of the geese are molting. No so-called humane methods have had any impact on the adult Canada Geese population at Prospect Park. Nearly all of the Canada Geese that arrived over the fall and winter gradually returned in early April to nest where they were born. The Humane Society's, Patrick Kwan, (member of the wildlife management advisory team) should have advised Prospect Park NOT to use border collies and kayakers to harass the Canada Geese of 2011. Instead, they continued to promote the use of harassment even though we reported that for more than the past two months the adult Canada Goose count stood at between 25 and 30.
Only 26 Canada Geese have chosen to try and become residents of the 60 acre watercourse of a 585 acre park with large sections of parkland adjacent to the lake. That's one Canada Goose per 22.5 acres or one Canada Goose per 980,100 sq. ft.
As we have been saying since November, 2010, (Not Smoke, Not Mirrors ) the USDA cannot justify coming to Prospect Park in 2011 after the massacre of all the resident Canada Geese on July 8, 2010.
Is it asking too much to permit such a small number to be able to prosper more than 9 miles from our airports at the only lake in Brooklyn? Positive progress has been made that will improve the conditions, awareness, and strategies in the coming year so that Prospect Park wildlife and their habitat are preserved, protected and maintained.
It is time for redemption, better late than never.
Anne-Katrin Titze
NY State DEC licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Kittens to hold.
Kittens to cuddle.
Kittens to love.
Kittens to snuggle.
Sean Casey Animal Rescue
153 E. 3rd Street, between Fort Hamilton Parkway and Caton Avenue
(718) 436-5163
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