This rally is in response to a ULURP [Uniform Land Use Review Procedure] filed by the developer, JEMB, which has a rental agreement with the International Baptist Church.Our little part of Windsor Terrace/Kensington has been subject to spot zoning, resulting in the development of luxury housing in a once thriving, integrated working class neighborhood. Many of us have been priced out of other neighborhoods. The children we raised can no longer afford to live here.57 Caton Avenue (next door to 312 Coney Island Avenue) has recently been rezoned and will be developed soon, adding even more luxury housing to the neighborhood.Some of us who live near the site have been testifying: at an initial Community Board 7 meeting, the Borough President’s hearing, the City Planning Commission hearing, and the City Council Land Use Committee. We have gotten to know each other and banded together because all of us agree:
- The development is out of context with our neighborhood.
- It can only make matters worse for traffic at Park Circle.
- The sheer wall will act as an echo chamber for our neighbors in the apartments at 10, 20, and 30 Ocean Parkway who already suffer from rush-hour horns and heavy traffic from Park Circle.
- It will cast a shadow on the Ocean Parkway bike path entry to Prospect Park.
- It could be an environmental nightmare for Prospect Park animals and plant life (noise and light pollution, shadows).
- It does nothing to solve the housing crisis in our city.
- It monetizes views of Prospect Park.