Friday, November 13, 2020



Green-Wood Cemetery is continuing to offer events online via Zoom during the pandemic.

The online events for the rest of November are

"The Death Cafe is inspired by the centuries-old European salon (or cafe), an informal gathering to discuss philosophical, political or scientific ideas."

"Among Green-Wood’s permanent residents are over 400 of some of the most acclaimed painters of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries."
$5 for members, $9 for non-members

"Green-Wood isn’t wanting for extraordinary and monumental tombs, but many of its most remarkable residents lay buried under unmarked, modest, or sunken stones. Learn about some of Green-Wood’s lesser-known—but equally fascinating—monuments."
$5 for members, $9 for non-members
Green-Wood Cemetery, founded in 1838, is the second largest cemetery in the United States, having 478 acres; only Arlington Cemetery is larger. The Green-Wood Historic Fund is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.