The Singing Winds presents free activities for children, teenagers, and adults this month.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays through Thursday, July 31st, from 10 a.m. to noon, Cynthia Fortozo works with children on papier mâché, crafts, games, and making puppets.
Adults and teens are invited to participate in crochet and needlework projects.
Storytelling by Jill Reinier begins at 11:30 a.m. The Singing Winds features traditional
folklore from the cultures and languages spoken by Kensington residents.
Events presented by The Singing Winds are always worth engaging in.
The activities take place at Albemarle Playground. The playground is on McDonald Avenue, between Albemarle Road and Caton Avenue, and behind P.S. 230, where The Singing Winds has given many entertaining and educational performances over the years.