Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Oscar the Grouch loves trash, but his neighbors don't mind--because every bit of it stays inside of the trash cans that they put it in. Sesame Street doesn't need the equivalent of a Kensington Trash Mob, since everyone puts their trash where it belongs.

On the other hand, some people in Kensington throw trash (cigarette butts, soda cans, candy bar wrappers, potato chip bags) on sidewalks, in the street, and in tree pits. It isn't easy to understand why they aren't willing to walk a few feet to a trash can. Until they stop littering, the Kensington Trash Mob will continue to spring into action to make the neighborhood cleaner.

On Sunday, August 5th, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., everyone is invited to work together to clean up the Church Avenue area. Meet at the Green Triangle in the middle of Church Avenue by 35th Street, just past Dahill Road.