Sunday, June 12, 2022


Plant Sale
Sunday, June 18th, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(rescheduled from June 12th)

It's planting season in New York City and the perfect time to buy vegetable seedlings, herbs, plants for your garden, and plants for your house. Kensington-Windsor Terrace Mutual Aid (KWTMA) will hold a plant sale this Saturday, June 18th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with all proceeds going to KWTMA for neighborhood projects, including the Community Fridge.

The plant sale will take place in front of the house at 309 E. 5th Street, between Church Avenue and Albemarle Road, in Kensington, Brooklyn.

About Kensington-Windsor Terrace Mutual Aid

Mutual Aid is...
Mutual Aid is neighbors helping neighbors by pooling resources, supporting each others' needs, and showing solidarity through actions.

We are...
We are a grassroots organization created by neighbors for neighbors. We started with the aim of collectively helping our community cope with the physical, mental, emotional, and economic needs created by the COVID-19 crisis. 

We will continue our work in response to the ongoing need of our community.

What we do:
Facilitate neighbor to neighbor support. Maintain and re-stock the KWT Fridge and Pantry, check-ins, prescription pickup, assistance accessing government benefits, and the provision of emergency funds. We sometimes partner with local groups to support our neighbors' needs.

Getting involved:
We welcome anyone to join our mutual aid network! Anyone can request or offer help.

We communicate primarily on email, Zoom, and face to face. We also meet in smaller groups to focus on specific issues and projects.