Friday, June 24, 2022


Update: See also the July 15th blog post Weekend Activities on Beverley Road Open Street (Free, Outdoors).


From Shahana Hanif, New York City Councilmember for District 39:
"Our office is proud to partner with @NYC_DOT to let our community know about three new open streets in our district this summer! We're working hard to ensure every neighborhood in #District39 can utilize its open space. Check out the new open streets."

One of the three new Open Streets in District 39 is in Kensington: the block of Beverley Road between E. 2nd Street and Church Avenue. It'll be an Open Street on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with the Grand Opening scheduled for June 25th.

"New York City’s Open Streets program transforms streets into public space open to all. These transformations allow for a range of activities that promote economic development, support schools, and provide new ways for New Yorkers to enjoy cultural programming and build community.

NYC DOT works with community-based organizations, public, private, and charter schools, and groups of businesses to execute Open Streets citywide."