Windsor Terrace Food Coop Open House
Saturday, December 17th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Windsor Terrace Food Coop will hold a one-day open house this month. People who aren't coop members can learn about the coop, familiarize themselves with what the coop stocks, and shop, if they would like to.
If you aren't a member of the coop, here's your chance to shop for a growing variety of high-quality, mostly-organic produce, dairy products, and dry goods.
Bring shopping bags with you to carry your purchases home in.
The open house will be on Saturday, December 17th, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The coop is member-owned and operated.
Windsor Terrace Food Coop
825 Caton Avenue, corner of E. 8th Street
Windsor Terrace - Kensington
phone: (718) 972-4600
e-mail: windsorterracefoodcoop @ gmail . com