Thursday, November 17, 2016


                                          Food Drive
                   Friday, November 18th, 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

CAMBA needs to keep its Beyond Hunger Emergency Food Pantry fully stocked because it feeds 4,300 hungry Brooklynites every month. IHM Brownie Troop #2662 will lend CAMBA a hand by collecting food to donate to the food pantry.

The Brownies will be stationed outside of Foodtown tomorrow (Friday), from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. They'll accept canned tuna, chicken, and salmon, dried milk, beans, fruit, vegetables, and pasta, cereal, peanut butter, and 100% fruit juice.

They can't accepted expired or dented cans.

From CAMBA's website:

CAMBA’s emergency food pantry operates on a client-choice/supermarket-style system, where clients choose individual food items rather than receiving pre-packed bags, as they would at traditional pantries.

The pantry distributes a three-day supply of nutritional food. This is critical for many of our clients who are unable to maintain a healthy diet, including the elderly and those at or below the poverty level. Clients include current CAMBA clients, those referred by other agencies and organizations and people who self-refer.

Foodtown is located at 382 McDonald Avenue, at the corner of Albemarle Road, in Kensington.