Buying a Christmas tree can give a financial boost to a school in your area. Purchase a tree from Tom Foley and tell him which school you want him to donate money to. Tom will then donate $10 of the purchase price to that school's PTA.
A running tally will be kept on Tom's website of the amount that he'll be donating to each school. Last year, Tom donated $11,000 to PTAs.
The participating schools are
- Pre-K 280,
- P.S. 10,
- P.S. 39,
- P.S. 107,
- P.S. 118,
- P.S. 124,
- P.S. 130,
- P.S. 133,
- P.S. 154,
- P.S. 295,
- P.S. 321,
- P.S. 372,
- M.S. 51,
- M.S. 88,
- M.S. 443,
- M.S. 447,
- Brooklyn Prospect Charter School,
- Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School, and
- St. Saviour Catholic Academy.
Fraser firs
that are five feet tall or more are Tom's specialty. He also
sells Fraser firs that are over eight feet tall. His small balsam firs
are two feet to four feet tall (known as "Charlie Browns") and three
feet to five feet tall.
The Frasers are cut just a week before Tom receives
them, not months in advance.
Tips on where it's best to place your tree in your home, how to keep your tree watered, and what to do with your tree after the holiday are posted on Tom's website.
Only cash is accepted at the stand. If you'd like to pay with a credit card or a debit card, order from Tom online. Wreaths, pine roping (garland), and tree stands can also be ordered online.
Free delivery and free set-up are available if you request it. The delivery area is shown on this map.
Tom's stand is open during these hours:
- Mondays through Thursdays, from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- Fridays, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and
- Saturdays and Sundays, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Foley Firs
724 8th Avenue, at the corner of 8th Street
Park Slope, Brooklyn
(718) 290-5868
foleyfirs @