Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Windsor Terrace Food Coop

Initial Members Meeting

Monday, February 2,2015

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Holy Name Parish Hall
245 Prospect Park West
between Prospect Avenue and Windsor Place 

Organizing the Coop:
operating groups will be formed, including

·       Layout/ Renovation - create an appropriate space for the sale of food
·       Food Committee - identify the potential source of food and the costs related to purchasing and selling it
·       Operations Committee - develop an operational strategy, including membership work schedules, job and responsibility assignment
·       Facility Committee - oversee management of the site
·       Finance Committee - oversee coop finances
·       Outreach Committee - reach out to and increase membership
·       Legal Committee - oversee all legal issues
·       Insurance Committee - identify and recommend the purchase of appropriate insurance policies for the coop
·       Fund Raising Committee - initiate and investigate fund raising opportunities 
·       IT Committee - oversee social media, the website, and other forms of electronic communication

The Coop Board is aiming for Saturday, March 21st, for the formal opening of the 825 Caton Avenue facility.

Each coop member will be asked to participate in one of the organizing committees. For further information, see www.windsorterracefoodcoop.com.

Non-members are also welcome to attend.