Sunday, June 17, 2012


The decrease in the number of days the Sanitation Department cleans Windsor Terrace's residential streets goes into effect on Monday, July 2nd. The decrease from two days a week to one created a need to change the alternate side of the street parking signs (the ones with a broom on them) and the total suspension of alternate side parking from March 26th through July 1st. The projected "six-to-eight-week" job of sign replacement took fourteen weeks.

New street cleaning regulations will apply within these Windsor Terrace borders as of July 2nd:
  • North: 15th Street (included) from 4th Avenue to Prospect Park West. Prospect Park Southwest (included) from Prospect Park West to Park Circle. Coney Island Avenue (not included) from Park Circle to Caton Avenue
  • East: Caton Avenue (not included) from Coney Island Avenue to Fort Hamilton Parkway. Fort Hamilton Parkway (not included) from Caton Avenue to 37th Street. 37th Street (not included) from Fort Hamilton Parkway to 8th Avenue. 8th Avenue (included) from 37th Street to 61st Street.
  • South: Long Island Railroad Cut from Eighth Avenue to Fifth Avenue. 65th Street (not included) from Fifth Avenue to Fourth Avenue.
  • West: Fourth Avenue (included) from 65th Street to 15th Street.
The new regulations are shown on the map at the top of this page.