Community Board 7 Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 19th
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Community Board 7 will meet in Windsor Terrace on Wednesday, March 19th, not in its usual meeting place, which is the Board office in Sunset Park. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., and it'll be open to the public.
Community Board 7 is the liaison between New York City government agencies and the residents, business
owners, and employees of Windsor Terrace, Greenwood Heights, South
Slope, and Sunset Park.
will have two opportunities to address the board during the meeting (items 6 and 14 on the agenda below). You're invited to share you concerns, questions, needs, problems,
suggestions, and solutions with CB 7's board
Proposed Agenda
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Opening of the meeting
4. Adoption of the agenda
5. Adoption of the minutes of the February 19, 2025 board meeting
6. Public Comment (3 minutes to speak on topics covered in the agenda)
7. Elected Officials and Representatives
8. Committee Reports:
A) Parks & Environment Committee (Vote is
expected) –
1. Presentation from NYC Parks about community gardens,
Presentation and update from NYC Parks on the design for Gonzalo
Plascencia Playground
B) Transportation Committee (Vote is expected) –
1. Street co-naming for
61st Street & 4th Avenue for Blas De Jesus Gonzalez,
2. Dining Out
NYC application for Tacos El Bronco located at 4324 4th Avenue,
Review proposed Electric Vehicle Charging locations in CB7
9. Roll Call
10. Chairperson’s Report
11. District Manager’s Report
12. Old Business
13. New Business
14. Public Comment (3 minutes to speak on any topic)
15. Adjournment
P.S. 130 Upper School (The Parkside School)
713 Caton Avenue
between E. 7 and E. 8th streets
Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn
Community Board 7 Office
4201 4th Avenue
entrance on 43rd Street
Sunset Park, Brooklyn
phone: (718) 854-0003
fax: (718) 436-1142