Open House and Shopping
Saturday, October 29th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Maybe you're a member. Maybe you're not a member. It won't matter on Saturday, October 29th, because everyone is invited to shop that day at the Windsor Terrace Food Coop's open house.
If you aren't a coop member, this is your opportunity to see why so many hundreds of your neighbors shop at the coop for a constantly-growing variety of high-quality, mostly-organic produce, dairy products, ice cream, eggs, meat, bread, and dry goods.
You'll be welcome to ask questions about the coop and how becoming a member would benefit you. No arm twisting will be involved!
The coop is member-owned and operated.
Bring some shopping bags with you to carry your purchases home in.
Windsor Terrace Food Coop
825 Caton Avenue
corner of E. 8th Street
Windsor Terrace - Kensington
(718) 972-4600
e-mail: windsorterracefoodcoop @ gmail . com