Solutions to Basement Flooding in East Windsor Terrace
Monday, August 11th, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Heavy rains and melting snow can strain sewers beyond their capacity, resulting in sewage backing up into basements. This has happened on Windsor Terrace's Kermit Place and Caton Place and possibly in other locations.
Community Board 7's Parks and Environment Committee has invited the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to a meeting to discuss short-term and long-term solutions to this health hazard. The public is welcome to attend the meeting.
Also invited are the School Construction Authority (SCA) and the developers of 22 Caton Place and 33 Caton Place to attend. The SCA is responsible for the design and construction of P.S./I.S. 437 on Caton Avenue near E. 7th Street, currently under construction.
If the SCA and the developers attend, they'll be asked to explain how they will prevent runoff from rain storms and snow storms from overwhelming the neighborhood sewer system.
Please note: Sewage contains bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing germs. Stay away from it. Don't let children or pets get near it. Don't touch it. Don't touch anything that's been in contact with it.
Important information about sewer backups and a link to a complaint form are on the Department of Health and Mental Health website.
The committee will meet at International Baptist Church, 312 Coney Island Avenue, between Ocean Parkway and Caton Place. The entrance is on Caton Place.