Herb Planting Workshop with Susan Braverman,
Horticultural Therapist (free)
May 12th, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Susan Braverman leads this free workshop during which
participants learn about herbs, how to start them from seed, how to separate
and plant, and how to care for the seedlings.During this hands-on workshop you will work
with herbs that can be grown indoors or outside, under
grow lights or on window sills.
Adults and families are welcome to attend. Supplies will be provided.
Participants will take home two herbs, to be planted in their gardens or placed indoors.
Space is limited, so registering is recommended. Register by phone by calling (718) 686-9707 or online at www.bklynlibrary.org/calendar.
Support for this program is made possible by Brooklyn Public Library’s partnership with Zipcar. The Zipcar program raises funds for BPL branches and allows patrons to reserve shared vehicles at their local libraries.
Windsor Terrace Library
160 E. 5th Street
corner of Fort Hamilton Parkway
Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn