Sunday, April 30, 2023


This is the map that was proposed previously, not the map that the Independent Redistricting Commission, the State Senate, and the State Assembly have now approved.
From Assemblymember Robert Carroll:
Assembly Redistricting Maps Passed
The legislature voted this week to approve Assembly District lines that were proposed by the State’s Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC).
New Congressional and State Senate lines were approved last year and remain unchanged.  My district, AD 44, also remains largely unchanged from the lines that took effect this January. 
The initial IRC proposal cut Windsor Terrace in half at the Prospect Expressway and removed large parts of Kensington that have been a part of AD 44 for decades, dividing multiple communities of interest. Thanks to efforts of many of you who offered testimony to the IRC either online or in person, we beat back this foolish proposal and were able to largely restore the current lines
I look forward to continuing to represent all the neighborhoods in the district and working with all of you on policy and quality of life matters.
To view the approved map, go to and check "NY IRC Assembly 2023 Plan."
Quoting the first blog post about altering the boundaries of the Assembly districts,
Residents living between Caton Avenue and 8th Avenue, from McDonald Avenue to the Prospect Expressway, and residents living between Fort Hamilton Parkway and 15th Avenue, from Dahill Road to 39th Street, would be moved out of Assembly District 44. 

As we're hearing the bad news about part of us getting dumped into AD 51, Park Slope is getting this good news: the redrawn map greatly expands the boundaries of District 44 so that it includes the bulk of Park Slope. ("See How Park Slope's Assembly Districts Change In New Maps"

So, not only will the southwest portion of Windsor Terrace be negatively affected, but the portion of Windsor Terrace that remains in AD 44 will be too, as AD 44's Park Slope constituency grows and yours shrinks. Park Slope will get even more of a voice as you get less, simply because of its size.