Saturday, May 14, 2022



Virtual Storytelling Concert
Sunday, May 15th, 6:30 p.m.
From Robin Bady, Storyteller and Arts Educator
On Sunday, May 15th, at 6:30 p.m., six fabulous female storytellers from across the country will take you (virtually) into their confidence and tell you their stories.
Welcome to the BADYHouse Storytelling Concert series, hosted by Robin Bady and Tom Rigney, which has been operating for the past 10 years in a Kensington row house. Usually, the shows are inside or in the backyard, but sincethe pandemic is still a threat, this show is virtual.

You can sign up at
Pay what you can, $1 to $20.

Come prepared with your favorite beverage and snacks and be prepared to spend some time with friends.

About The BADYHouse Storytelling Concert:  
We are Brooklyn's secret treasure. A concert in a house, where all are invited to schmooze, sit back, eat something,
drink something, relax and listen to the best of NYC's storytellers, plus a guest or two from out of town. Enjoy NYC's hospitality and talent in one of its quirkiest most comfortable venues.