Monday, January 17, 2022


The Cost of Convenience: Environmental Justice and Last Mile Delivery
Monday, January 17th, 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day and Tu BiShvat, Flatbush Jewish Center and Park Slope Jewish Center present a conversation with Tiffany-Ann Taylor, Vice President for Transportation at the Regional Plan Association, and the Hon. Shahana Hanif, NYC Councilmember for the 39th DIstrict.

Join Flatbush Jewish Center and Park Slope Jewish Center for a celebration of MLK Day & Tu B'Shevat with a special online event on racial and environmental justice on Monday, January 17th at 8pm.

What is the racial and environmental impact of clicking “buy now” online? While there has been a dramatic increase in recent years of the amount of online ordering, what we see when a package arrives is only the tip of the iceberg. In this panel, we will explore the real and too often unseen racial and environmental impact of transportation infrastructure in the 21st century.

Join us for an opportunity to hear from our guests, Tiffany-Ann Taylor, Vice President for Transportation at the Regional Plan Association, and the Hon. Shanana Hanif, NYC Councilmember for the 39th District.
Register here to join this powerful conversation.

You will be able to join the meeting from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone. or Android device.