Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Update: DOT's presentation at the Citi Bike Brooklyn Expansion Information Session has been posted online at https://www.dropbox.com/s/wbtx8nfnrap4v0k/Citi%20Bike%20Brooklyn%20Expansion%20Information%20Session.pptx?dl=0.
Citi Bike Expansion in Brooklyn: an Online Q&A Session
Thursday, December 10th, 6:00 p.m.

Join the New York City Department of Transportation and Lyft--which operates the Citi Bike program--for an online information session about Citi Bike’s upcoming expansion in Brooklyn.
Citi Bike docking stations will be placed within Brooklyn Community Boards 7, 10, 12, and 14. The installations will be in South Slope, Sunset Park, and Windsor Terrace. The target date for completion is mid- to late-winter/early spring 2021. Installation will begin in the northern part of the borough and work its way south.
The first version of the Citi Bike Expansion Draft Plan for Community Board 7, 10, 12, and 14, shown below, was presented to Community Board 7's Transportation Committee at last night's meeting. Fifty members of the public had registered to attend, and several of them asked the DOT representatives questions.

The second version of the Citi Bike Expansion Draft Plan for Community Board 7, 10, 12, and 14 will be available at https://nycdotbikeshare.info/maps_plans#brooklyn today.
Join the virtual town hall (Webinar ID 971 2363 1391) from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device. Register for it at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_W_Rha7gfTz-Uw66rkHCG4A. 

Installation sites must offer round-the-clock access, so they will not, for instance, be placed in parks that close at dusk. Most of the stations will be located in roads. Just a few will be on sidewalks. Some will take up space currently used for parking. Others will utilize current daylighting and pedestrianized spaces.

To be eligible for use, a sidewalk has to be at least fifteen feet wide, but the presence of other variables, such as hydrants, trees, and gas utilities, is factored in.

At Machete Circle/Park Circle, the plan is to install one station, but its exact location has to be coordinated with the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Docking stations at subway station entrances will have a minimum of nineteen docks.

E-bikes will be twenty percent of the citywide Citi Bike fleet.