Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Car drivers and truck drivers are injuring and killing pedestrians and bicyclists on a regular basis in Kensington and Windsor Terrace. We have to be vigilant about our own safety, of course, but we also need our elected officials, our community boards, the NYPD, and the Department of Transportation to protect us.

One example of their failure to do that is the intersection of Beverley Road and E. 2nd Street. After conducting a traffic study there in 2013, the Department of Transportation determined that no traffic-calming measures were needed. They were wrong.

Neighbor Shermin Shakiri has created a petition about that intersection: "SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AT E2 STREET & BEVERLEY ROAD." It's posted at https://www.change.org/p/mayor-bill-de-blasio-safety-precautions-at-e2-street-beverley-road.

A car hit Shermin's mother there. A driver on Beverley Road turned right onto E. 2nd Street too quickly and hit a parked car. That car hit another car, which hit another car, and so on. One of the parked cars ended up on the sidewalk where Shermin's mother was standing and caused serious injuries.

Please sign the petition and please share it. It says
My name is Shermin Shakiri and I was born on November 28, 1982 and lived at the corner of E2 Street and Avenue C at the time. I live on E2 and Beverley Road my entire life.

I have been reporting the dangerous corner of Beverley Road and E 2 Street for many years to the City. My mother was a pedestrian struck by a vehicle there in 2011 and my brother-in-law was a pedestrian struck there in 2017 requiring surgical procedure.

There is no stop sign, NOR a painted crosswalk for pedestrians. Cars that drive down Beverley mostly speed on that curve and are going to result in a deadly accident one day (GOD FORBID).

I am going to start a petition for a stop sign and painted crosswalk as well as 2 speedbumps on that curve. THIS HAS URGENCY. I hope that all my fellow neighbors see this as a huge safety threat and help in me trying to obtain the attention of the CITY & DOT.

Thank you for your time. I will follow-up to advise on the process in a few days. Please feel free to share to any pages in our area!--