Thursday, April 7, 2011


Learn how to prevent a bed bug infestation--or what to do if you've already got them--on the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's new bed bug website. The site has information for the general public, home owners and tenants, landlords and building managers, health professionals, commercial buildings, visitors and travelers, schools, and shelters and group homes. It has a pest management professionals guide and links to the city's bed bug laws, such as the rules for throwing away mattresses and box springs.

Another section on the site is Myths & Facts, such as
  • Only dirty, cluttered homes get bed bugs. False.
  • If I see bite marks I have bed bugs. False.
  • Bed bugs are only found on the bed. False.
  • Products can claim to be effective for bed bugs without proof. True.
Previous blog posts about bed bugs: