Discussion on the Arrow Linen
Community Benefits Agreement
Tuesday, March 25th
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
From Community Board 7:
There will be a joint committee meeting with CB7's Housing and Land Use/Landmarks Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 25 @ 6:00 p.m. at the CB7 Office located at 4201 4th Avenue (enter on 43rd Street & 4th Avenue).
Discussion on the Arrow Linen Community Benefits Agreement with Council Member Shahana Hanif and Fifth Avenue Committee Executive Director Michelle de la Uz
*Please note that Councilmember Hanif and the Fifth Avenue Committee will be attending virtually.
You can attend in person or register to attend via Zoom as an attendee: https://bit.ly/4iqOQQP.You can view the joint committee meeting on the Brooklyn Community Board 7's YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3uQlAtq.
"Council Member Hanif explains the various components of the Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) and additional commitments made by the developer for the Arrow Linen rezoning project.
- Over half of affordable units will be two and three-bedroom apartments
- Subsidized community space for Sakhi for South Asian survivors and a local childcare center
- Creation of a construction task force to ensure accountability and minimize disruption
- Partnership with 32BJ SEIU for job creation
- Green roof and flood mitigation measures"
- Fifth Avenue Committee as the CBA administrative partner
on Zoom
and at the
Community Board 7 Office
4201 4th Avenue (entrance on 43rd Street)
Sunset Park, Brooklyn
phone: (718) 854-0003
fax: (718) 436-1142
bk07 @ cb.nyc.gov