Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Community Board 7 Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 18th
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
From Community Board 7
The regular monthly board meeting of Community Board 7 will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. in the CB7 Meeting Room located at 4201 4th Avenue (enter on 43rd Street & 4th Avenue).

You can attend in person or register to attend the board meeting virtually: 

**Due to limited capacity, virtual attendance is strongly encouraged for the September 18 board meeting**
Following is the proposed agenda:
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Opening of the meeting
  4. Adoption of the agenda
  5. Adoption of the minutes of the June 12, 2024 board meeting
  6. Adoption of the minutes of the September 9 & September 12, 2024 public hearing
  7. Public Comment (3 minutes to speak on topics covered in the agenda)
  8. Elected Officials and Representatives
  9. Committee Reports – A) Land Use/Landmarks Committee (Vote required) – 1. Presentation from Arrow Linen Supply Co., Inc., owner of 441 & 467 Prospect Avenue to request approval of the following actions:
a) Zoning map amendment changing an R5B zoning district to an R7-1 zoning district on the midblock of Prospect Avenue between 8th Avenue and Prospect Park West,
b) Zoning text amendment to zoning resolution to establish the rezoning area as a mandatory inclusionary housing,
c) Zoning special permit pursuant for a waiver of required accessory off street parking spaces to facilitate affordable housing within the transit zone
B) Transportation Committee – 1. Presentation from MTA on the 36th Street ADA elevator project, 2. Presentation from Councilmember Alexa Aviles’ Office on Local Law 171
C) Joint Committee Meeting with Public Safety & Executive Committees (Vote required) – 1. Discussion on an adult-use retail dispensary application from the Brooklyn Green Project located at 512 55th Street, 2. Discussion on an adult-use retail dispensary application from the First Class Cannabis LLC to be located at 754 4th Avenue 
10. Roll Call
11. Chairperson’s Report
12. District Manager’s Report
13. Old Business
14. New Business
15. Public Comment (3 minutes to speak on any topic)
16. Adjournment

You can view the board meeting on the Brooklyn Community Board 7's YouTube Channel: