April 14, 2014 – The Board of
Directors of Bishop Ford Central
Catholic High School has unanimously
voted to close the school at the end
of the 2013-2014 academic year. For
the past several years, Bishop Ford
has experienced significant decline
in enrollment. In 2006, Bishop Ford
had 1,347 students. Today, that
number is 499, a loss of 75% of our
student population since 2006. The
projected enrollment for next year
is 422, a further decrease.
Enrollment projections predict
further decline in the future. It is
with great sadness that the Board of
Directors of Bishop Ford Central
High School unanimously voted to
close the school at the end of the
current school year.
Thomas Arria, principal, expressed
this commitment to the students and
their families: "Our greatest
concern is for our current students
and we are committed to making the
transition for them to other schools
for the next school year as smooth
as possible. To that end, we have
asked that other Catholic high
schools in the area give special
consideration to Bishop Ford
students who may be enrolling next
school year. We intend to meet with
each family to ensure that students
are placed in a school environment
which will best meet their academic
and personal needs."
Bishop Ford was founded in 1962 and
is proud of its many alumni who have
made a difference in service to
their communities and to the
Catholic Church.
Bishop Ford Central Catholic High School
1962 - 2014