Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Windsor Terrace/Kensington Food Co-op
Monthly Community Meeting
 Tuesday, November 19th
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Updates from committees.

Modest refreshments will be provided.

  1. Introductions 
  2. October Community Meeting Minutes  Jack O’Connell
  3. Park Slope Food Co-op Update               Lee Solomon
  4. Outreach                                                     Lee Solomon
  5. Website                                                       Christine Petro
  6. Branding                                                     Alyssa Ciccarella
  7. Location/Site                                             David Mann
  8. Governance                                               Jack O’Connell
  9. Other Business                                          Jack O’Connell

Good food at reasonable prices.

 Knights of Columbus Hall
1511 10th Avenue
between Prospect Park Southwest and 16th Street
Windsor Terrace

Send an e-mail and get on the growing list of your neighbors.
windsorterracefoodcoop @ gmail . com