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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Prospect Park Road Sharing Taskforce Public Meeting
Tuesday, February 28th, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

At this public meeting in the Picnic House in Prospect Park, the Prospect Park Road Sharing Taskforce will present the recommendations it's made to the Parks Department and the Department of Transportation about safety on the park drives. Everyone who uses the drives--whether on foot or on wheels--is encouraged to attend.

These safety measures were introduced in November 2011 in a pilot program on West Drive, between Center Drive and Wellhouse Drive: 
  • Orange traffic barrels have been placed along the drive, narrowing the right lane of vehicle/cycling traffic into one lane.
  • The narrower travel lane is expected to both slow traffic and alert drivers and riders to the upcoming pedestrian crossing.
  • In addition, signs have been posted to alert cyclists that the intersection of West Drive and Wellhouse Drive (near Vanderbilt Playground) is a pedestrian crossing, as well as to remind pedestrians to use the crosswalk.
  • In November 2011, DOT will be placing a high visibility crosswalk at the intersection.
  • NYPD is planning roving enforcement of yield-to-pedestrian laws as well.
Transportation Alternatives reports prior to the February 28th meeting that "The Prospect Park Road Sharing Task Force was established to calm the chaos, and they've come up with a succinct solution. The current configuration leaves bicyclists and pedestrians to share scraps of the road. The Task Force's new proposal will put people first."

Directions: Enter the Park at 5th Street and Prospect Park West, follow the path next to the Villa, down the stairs and across the drive to the Picnic House.