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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


KWT Canine Watch (also known as K9WaTch and Kensington-Windsor Canine Watch) is being formed by neighborhood residents right now in response to the dozen or more nighttime sexual attacks against women that have taken place in the past six months--one as recently as last night. The walking-home service will harness the power of neighbors who are already outside in the evening--people who are walking their dogs.

Dog owners in the Kensington-Windsor Terrace area are being encouraged to walk their dogs near our local subway stations and escort women home so they're not on the street alone. People who don't have dogs are also welcome to participate by pairing up with another K9WaTcher.

The process is simple: When you take your canine companion for an evening walk, put on the official brightly-colored KWT Canine Watch bandana so that women looking for an escorted walk home can easily identify you. Walk near the Fort Hamilton or Church Avenue subway stations and wait to see if any women need an escort.

The commitment asked of you will be minimal--but it's so important to keeping our streets safe. Your help is truly needed to get this effort up and running. At least twenty committed dog walkers are needed before the service can begin.

The three places of concern are the two ends of the Fort Hamilton Parkway subway station (at E. 5th Street and at Prospect Avenue) and the Albemarle Road exit of the Church Avenue station.

To volunteer, fill out the K9WaTch Volunteer Application and indicate if you
  • have a dog and would like to volunteer as an escort
  • do not have a dog and would like to volunteer as an escort, paired with another person
  • would like to help organize the K9WaTch program
  • would like to help organize the K9WaTch program but cannot be an escort
Your help is also needed in spreading the word about K9WaTch. Download and print copies of the K9WaTch flyer, post them in store windows, and hand them to people who are walking dogs and people who aren't walking dogs.

Please also read

K9WaTch/KWT Watch/Kensington-Windsor Canine Watch
E-mail: walk [at] k9watch.org

Create awareness. Promote watchfulness.