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Thursday, April 7, 2011


From New York City Councilmember Brad Lander: 

The Office of Councilmember Brad Lander, Family Cook Productions and GrowNYC are pleased to accept applications for Kensington Teen Battle Chef!

In partnership with GrowNYC’s Youthmarket and the non-profit organization Family Cook Productions, this summer the Office of City Councilmember Brad Lander will be bringing a youth-run farm stand to Fort Hamilton Parkway between East 4th Street and East 5th Street.

The farm stand will operate every Saturday from July 9th to October 29th, with 6 students paid $10 an hour to run the stand during that time period. Before becoming Youthmarket employees, students will receive training through Family Cook Productions’ Teen Battle Chef program. Teen Battle Chef empowers youth to challenge themselves, develop leadership, teamwork and culinary skills as well as gain nutrition knowledge and a new appreciation for diverse, healthy and sustainably-produced food. After 8 weeks of unpaid training, youth involved in the program will become Teen Battle Chefs, and will begin their paid work at the Youth Market.

If you or a young person you know has leadership ability, is interested in cooking, living a healthy lifestyle and would like to learn more about the healthy food movement, please encourage them to apply.

The application deadline is Friday, April 22nd at 4pm. Below are application materials for the program.

The basic parameters for Kensington Teen Battle Chef are:
  • Positions are available for incoming high school Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors. Students graduating high school in June 2011 are not eligible
  • Priority will be given to Kensington and Windsor Terrace residents, but students from all over Brooklyn are encouraged to apply
  • Trainings will be 2 hours every Friday night from May 6 – June 24th. The training period is unpaid
  • Participants will then be paid hourly to operate the Youthmarket every Saturday from July 9th – October 29th
This will be a fun, dynamic opportunity that will help young people empower their community. Please help spread the word! Let us know if you have any questions by emailing kensingtonteenbattlechef [at] gmail.com.