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Monday, February 7, 2011


From Friends of Greenwood Playground:
Friends of Greenwood Playground (FoGP) is back in action! We just met yesterday to start planning our April Flea Market, and talk about plans for Derby Fit and other future events. We even imagined Spring and Summer at the playground - what warming thoughts!

If you would like to get involved on any level, please contact us! You can reply to this email or you can email us at
greenwoodfriendsfunds [at] gmail.com. We also accept donations at our website. The funds are used to bring super fantastic programming to the playground throughout the warmer months.

FoGP meets the first Sunday of every month, from 9 - 10:30 AM at the Oak and the Iris. Come have coffee with us and bring your great ideas! Children are welcome to attend. Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 6th. All are welcome!

The Oak and The Iris Cafe
2826 Fort Hamilton Parkway, corner of E. 4th Street