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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Jessica Turner, Community Liaison to Councilmember Brad Lander’s office, reports on the community's effort to bring a greenmarket to Kensington. Please let her know your thoughts about the proposal and if you're willing to work on it.
In March of this year – following up on the petitions that many of you worked on – our office began having conversations with GrowNYC (the organization that runs the largest network of farmers markets in the City) about getting a greenmarket in Kensington.

The good news:

They are willing to work with us on bringing a youth-run greenmarket to Kensington this spring/summer/fall.

The less good news:

They did not agree to a full-scale Greenmarket; but they are willing to get started with a “YouthMarket,” at least as a first step.

They did not agree to the location(s) proposed; the location they are willing to consider for this year is Fort Hamilton Parkway, between East 4th & East 5th (in front of Immaculate Heart of Mary).


Councilmember Lander arranged a meeting with Marcel Van Ooyen, GrowNYC’s executive director to ask for his help in getting a greenmarket implemented.  GrowNYC then agreed to study the feasibility of a full-scale greenmarket in Kensington, at our request. Unfortunately, they determined that based upon the availability of farmers, a full-scale Greenmarket in Kensington was not something they could implement this year.

However, Marcel suggested that implementing a YouthMarket – a somewhat smaller farmers’ market run by local youth, with the support of a community partner organization – might be more feasible. GrowNYC describes YouthMarkets as “a network of urban farm stands operated by neighborhood youth, supplied by local farmers, and designed to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to communities throughout New York City.”  You can learn more here.

While it is not as large as a full-scale GreenMarket, we are excited about the idea.  It would be a great way to bring a diverse group of Kensington young people together; would offer fresh fruits & vegetables throughout the spring, summer, and fall; and could  be a step to a larger GreenMarket in future years.  We have reached out to a great not-for-profit organization, Family Cook Productions that has indicated they would be willing to support a YouthMarket in Kensington this year.


The petition that was circulated focused on PS 230 as the optimal location.  However, GrowNYC does not place their markets near existing green grocers, and the proximity to FoodTown led them to reject PS 230 as a location.  This was true for other sites we suggested, such as the emerging plaza in front of Walgreens, or the small triangle park at Church Ave & 35th Street, both of which are very near to stores with substantial fresh produce.

After much back-and-forth around potential locations, the one location in the area that GrowNYC is willing to consider is Fort Hamilton Parkway between East 4th and East 5th.  I know that many people consider this Windsor Terrace, and that it is a long walk for some people.  But it is the one location GrowNYC was willing to move forward with.  Because the deadline for permit applications was in January, GrowNYC submitted a tentative application for the necessary permits to place a YouthMarket at that location.

Where do we go from here?

We hope you will agree that while a YouthMarket on FHP @ E.4th/E.5th does not meet all of our goals, it is a good start, and well worth pursuing for this year.

If you agree, and are willing to work with us to make this a reality (e.g. help recruit young people, work with them, help with publicity, etc), please e-mail me.

Alternatively, if you are unhappy with this approach, and think we should say “no” to the offer from GrowNYC and Family Cook Productions, please let me know that as well.

Either way, we will keep you updated as we work with GrowNYC and Family Cook Productions in the coming weeks and months.

Jessica Turner
Community Liaison
Office of Councilmember Brad Lander
39th Council District
456 5th Avenue, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215
718.499.1090 office
718.499.1997 fax
jturner [at] council.nyc.gov

Serving the neighborhoods of Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Borough Park and Kensington.