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Monday, October 25, 2010


Allison Make--
When visiting our neighborhood's World's Fair yesterday, I was filled with Kensington pride. I found myself thinking "Wow - I truly live in the coolest area of Brooklyn!" Where else do so many worlds collide? I enjoyed the smells and tastes of the Mexican, Thai, and variety of South Asian fare. I stopped to listen to the music that made my feet tap along to the beat, and I was riveted by the children carrying and marching along with the larger-than-life puppets. Sadly I only had an hour to spare, but I am so glad that I didn't miss this rich event! I can't wait until the next one...
Miriam Mahmood--
I thought the Kensington's World Fair was a great experience. It was so nice to see so many new people and learn a lot about different cultures. The performances were really great to watch, and the tables were from so many different countries that I didn't know we had living in our neighborhood. It was nice seeing everyone with a smile on their face and interested in learning.

Judy Richardson--
I got there late, to find a large, friendly crowd at the Kensington World’s Fair. Neighbors were proudly celebrating the beautiful children, who were performing on stage, the delicious food, sold at stalls and eaten by everybody, and their handicrafts, being perused and purchased. Kids and grownups were obviously having a wonderful time.
Cheryl Pearlman--
Congratulations to all of you who organized a fabulous Kensington World's Fair!  I felt so proud to be part of the fair and this community. From the passport to the incredibly wonderful music and arts this was a truly multi-cultural fair celebrating the diversity of many folks in this neighborhood. I imagine you all might be very exhausted, but I hope you all are feeling joy and pride as well.

A lot of time and effort went into presenting the Kensington World's Fair held Sunday, Oct. 24th.
It was a beautiful day with warm sunny skies and friendly faces. There was an aura of community, everyone sharing in the day... diverse ethnic foods, the performances were wonderful.Celebrating the different cultures within our community with music, dance, clothing and the children made it even more special.
A special Thank You to all who put the event together... I have to give a really special Thank You to Jessica from Brad Lander's office who helped with the vendors to secure their tables. She literally walked me through the application process... her time and patience is greatly appreciated.
Thank You to the volunteers who helped set up the event with the tables and canopies, the stage as well as the cleanup..
It was also nice to meet the many people who post on the KWT blog as well as meeting and making new friends within our community.
I personally enjoyed connecting with everyone who stopped by the Essential Oils/Champissage booth. Would like to send out a congratulations to the winners of our booth...
Carolyn.. Winner of the Deluxe Spa (Champissage and KV Foot Massage)... 
Johanna ... Winner of the Day at the Spa (Champissage) and 
Claudia... Winner of the Thieves Waterless Hand Cleaner.
The event was a huge success. Being the pioneer of the first Kensington World's Fair, I would definitely partake in one held next year!!!