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Monday, October 25, 2010


Brad Lander, our New York City Councilmember, spent the day yesterday at the Kensington World's Fair, meeting and greeting neighborhood residents and asking them to write down what they like most about Kensington and what they would like to change.

Brad writes
We were thrilled to be part of the organizing team for the Kensington World's Fair. It was a fantastic event, truly highlighting the incredible diversity of the neighborhood and bringing people together to celebrate it. The entertainment (from the PS 230 choir to Slavic Soul Party to Cynthia King's dancers and everyone well), the activities (my seven-year-old daughter did just about every one), the fantastic food, the weather, and--most of all--the organizers, volunteers, and participants came together to make it a remarkable day.
Special thanks to the very-hardworking organizing team--Bridget Elder, Annie Ferdous, Veronica Guzman, Trina Hickey, Jasmina Nikolov, Joy Rich, Maggie Tobin, and Jessica Turner (from my office, so of course my special thanks to her)--and to the great sponsors (Boro Gas/Boro Fuel, Rob Chowdhury, and Church Avenue Car Service) and community partners (PS 230, 66th Precinct, the Masons).

I hope it will be more than just one great day--that it will help build relationships, community, and energy across the neighborhood's diversity for working together to make Kensington an even better neighborhood for all of its residents. We got some great responses at our table on things people love about the neighborhood and things people would like to improve. So ,in addition to pausing to savor and say thank-you for the great celebration, we're looking forward to getting busy working with everyone to build on the Kensington World's Fair in the days to come.

  • Smiling for the camera
  • Kensington--What do you like most? What do you want to change?
  • Calling out a raffle ticket number
  • With Community Board 12 member Yeruchim Silber