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Friday, September 17, 2010


From New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio:
Dear Friend,

Tuesday’s Primary Election was New York City’s first test with new electronic voting machines. By many accounts, we failed. In the past 72 hours, our office has received numerous reports about poll sites that opened far behind schedule, ballot scanners that broke down, poll workers that mishandled ballots and violations of voter privacy. The outcome: Too many voters left the polls unsure their vote had been properly cast—or even worse—were unable to cast a vote at all. If you experienced a problem at the polls on Tuesday, I need to know about it. Please use our website to file a report, or call our Hotline at (212) 669-7250. In addition, be sure to officially register your complaint with the Board of Elections at (866) VOTE-NYC or TTY at (212) 487-5496 (hearing impaired).

Fixing these problems in time for November’s General Election requires firsthand details of what went wrong on Tuesday—only you can provide them. Please take the time to contact my office, so we can learn from your experience and ensure that every vote is counted.

With your help, we can get this right.

Thank you,

Bill de Blasio
Public Advocate for the City of New York
1 Centre Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10007