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Friday, September 17, 2010


Culver El Rezoning Hearing
Tuesday, September 21st, 9:30 a.m.

The City Council has scheduled a public hearing by the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises on the Culver El rezoning proposal
. The hearing will be held at 250 Broadway, across the street from City Hall, in the 16th Floor hearing room.

The public is allowed to testify. Testimony in front of this subcommittee
is typically limited to two minutes.

If you're going to testify, show up at least ten minutes prior to the start of the hearing to sign up with the Sergeant at Arms.
If you're going to write out your testimony, bring ten to fifteen copies for distribution.

Hearings don't always start on time, but you should allow yourself a few extra minutes to get through the security checkpoint.

The City Council's Calendar shows the most up-to-date list of committee hearings. Scheduled hearings are subject to change. Check the calendar on Monday, the day of the hearing, in case it's been deferred.

Click here to read previous KARMA blog posts about the Culver El rezoning.