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Friday, January 10, 2025


Update, January 15th: One of Hamilton's two outdoor dining applications was approved by unanimous consent at tonight's meeting of Community Board 7. That application is for twelve tables that can seat twenty-four people on the sidewalk on Fort Hamilton Parkway. The other application, for roadway dining on E. 4th Street, couldn't be considered tonight because of the timeline that DOT imposed on applications.

No action was taken on Syko Restaurant's outdoor dining application, by a vote of twenty-eight in favor, nine opposed, and one abstention. DOT can now decide whether or not to hold its own public hearing.


Community Board 7 Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 15th
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Community Board 7 is the liaison between New York City government agencies and the residents, business owners, and employees of Windsor Terrace, Greenwood Heights, South Slope, and Sunset Park.
Attendees will have two opportunities to address the board (items 6 and 14 on the agenda below). Share you concerns, questions, needs, problems, suggestions, or solutions with CB 7's board members.
From Community Board 7
The regular monthly board meeting of Community Board 7 will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. in the CB7 Meeting Room located at 4201 4th Avenue (enter on 43rd Street & 4th Avenue).
You can attend in person or you can register to attend virtually via Zoom. https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F8DEaHIGQyCIjvVeu9kGfQ#/registration

You can view the board meeting on the Brooklyn Community Board 7's YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcAZ1cECSeZI8iNyQDKuX5Q

Following is the proposed agenda:
1.Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Opening of the meeting
4. Adoption of the agenda
5. Adoption of the minutes of the December 18, 2024 board meeting
6. Public Comment (3 minutes to speak on topics covered in the agenda)
7. Elected Officials and Representatives
8. Committee Reports 

A) Transportation Committee (Vote is expected) - 1. Dining Out Applications review for Black Horse Pub, Syko Restaurant, and Hamiltons Restaurant, 2. Street co-naming for 17th Street between 3rd & 4th Avenues for Donna Maxil, 3. Update on the Sunset Park Greenway

B)Joint Committee Meeting with Public Safety and Education,        Health & Human Services (Vote is expected) - 1. Discussion on NY For All resolution
9. Roll Call
10. Chairperson’s Report
11. District Manager’s Report
12. Old Business
13. New Business
14. Public Comment (3 minutes to speak on any topic)
15. Adjournment
Community Board 7 Office
4201 4th Avenue (entrance on 43rd Street)
Sunset Park, Brooklyn
phone: (718) 854-0003
fax: (718) 436-1142
bk07 @ cb.nyc.gov