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Friday, July 5, 2024


Minutes of the Albemarle Neighborhood Association June meeting:

Albemarle Neighborhood Association (ANA)
Minutes of the June 27, 2024 meeting

Alex, from Councilwoman Shahana Hanif’s office reported on developments on recent budgetary issues. The Mayor and the New York City Council are still negotiating the overall budget which is  due at the end of every June. Mayor Adams has proposed cuts and there has been a fight for restoration from cuts in the budget. Budget issues involve what is prioritized and what is not.

There will likely be a handshake deal between the Council Speaker and Mayor Eric Adams.

Funding achievements

Libraries will be fully funded to provide 7 day library services. This restoration of funds was accomplished through community pressure.

Cuts of concern include the following:
- There are cuts in Early Childhood Education from the proposed $170 million to $96 million. These cuts will affect childcare for immigrants and universal 3 PreK classes.

- Programmatic cuts for K-12 schools will affect individual school budgets. A number of schools will get decreased funding,

- CUNY will receive $94 million in proposed cuts

Assemblymember Bob Carroll gave an update on Albany Budget issues these past few months.

- N.Y. State passed a budget 3 months ago.

- Stopped closing of SUNY Downstate

- Passed Literacy bill for K-3

- Addressed housing crises, stipulating that market rate tenants cannot be easily evicted. New affordable rental units will be created.

- scrapped congestion pricing

-passed Sammy’s law. Certain streets will have 15-20 mph limits near schools and hospitals

-Illegal cannabis shops will be closed by the NYPD- unfortunately, no were new initiatives for the homeless.

Neighborhood remarks

- Improvements noted in opening of Met Fresh supermarket ( no more graffiti)

- New hardware store

- Anticipated opening of Advent Healthcare services.

Other neighborhood concerns

- There are currently four thousand homeless people on the streets, many with drug and mental health issues.

- Double parking . A proposal was made at the ANA meeting to distribute leaflets on double parked cars requesting phone numbers in case of emergency when cars should be moved to allow blocked cars access to get out of their parking space.

- Litter throughout the neighborhood is a problem, as well as the sighting of rats.

- Traffic safety is a challenge. Can Sanitation and the NYPD be alerted ?

Next ANA meeting to possibly be held in person at the Flatbush Jewish Center in the Fall. A date will be announced

Respectfully submitted by
Jannette Katz-Gomori