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Monday, June 26, 2023


A neighborhood resident submitted the following editorial.
Help keep the heart and soul of Brooklyn alive!

Very few people in our neighborhood are aware that there is an application to rezone 534 Coney Island Avenue (where KFC and the Shell station are), which could result in two 11-14 story buildings--and who knows what next!

Although I fully support new affordable housing in the neighborhood, I do not support the proposed plan to build such tall buildings when there are no other buildings on the surrounding blocks which are taller than 7 stories.
The impact of such tall buildings in our primarily residential neighborhood will not only change the small town character, it will overburden the already stretched infrastructure--most notably traffic, public transportation, sanitation, sewers, parking, and public school seats.
Additionally, the air and light quality in the immediate vicinity will be negatively impacted forever.

Please help Kensington residents have more awareness and a more powerful voice about the future of our neighborhood. After attending the 6/20/23 Community Board 12 Zoning and Variance Committee Public Hearing meeting, I am concerned that our voices will not be heard before this plan is approved by people who do not live in or care about our neighborhood.
There is a Community Board 12 full board meeting on Tuesday, June 27th, at 7 p.m. Although we may not be permitted to speak, I and some of my neighbors will be attending in a stand of solidarity.

Please see the flyer above and link to the informational website at
To attend the meeting via Zoom, click on this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88596633276

If you are attending by phone, call 646) 558-8656 and enter Webinar ID 885 9663 3276.
Meeting Location
Amico Senior Center
5901 13th Avenue, 3rd Floor
entrance on 59th Street
Borough Park, Brooklyn

Community Board 12
phone: (718) 851-0800
fax: (718) 851-4140
Chairperson: Yidel Perlstein
District Manager: Barry Spitzer