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Saturday, June 7, 2014


Food Drive
Sunday, June 8th, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

To help stock the food pantry of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, the church's Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts will collect non-perishable food tomorrow in front of Foodtown, 382 McDonald Avenue at Albemarle Road. The food's recipients are our neighbors who are in need.

Non-perishable foods have a long shelf life, with expiration dates far into the future. Some of the foods are canned tuna fish, canned beans, dried beans, canned fruit, dried fruit, juice, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, nuts, canned vegetables, boxes of rice, boxes of past, and more. The healthier, the better--low salt, low sugar, whole grains....

The church's food pantry needs these as well as personal care items every day of the year.

Cub Pack 187 and Scout Troop 187 meet at Brooklyn Prospect Charter School, formerly the home of Immaculate Heart of Mary School.