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Tuesday, May 6, 2014


A co-founder of KWTneighbors* has created the petition "KWT Believes in Net Neutrality."

The petition will be delivered to Governor Andrew Cuomo, Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-9), Sen. Charles Schumer (NY-1), and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-2).


Yahoo groups are just one way we all use the internet daily. We use our neighborhood list serves to build community and connect with neighbors and we do not believe in paying to play. It is important that the web, which was developed by the US military and paid for by our tax money, stays regulated like other public utilities.
As a moderator of a local neighborhood list serve, and a research librarian, I believe that access to the internet should remain equal and free from restrictions. Net neutrality is the assurance that access to the Web and its content will not be blocked, slowed down, or sped up depending on where that access is based or who owns the access point. Net neutrality is a fundamental democratic principal and as local list serves have shown, is the new town square for community discussions.

KWT Believes in Net Neutrality


* KWTneighbors is a community board serving the Kensington and Windsor Terrace communities. Its goal is to create community in Windsor Terrace and Kensington and be an information resource for our corner of Brooklyn.

Created in 2004, KWTneighbors now has over 2,700 members. It provides a place for the community to discuss Kensington's and Windsor Terrace's available services, housing, events, schools, and quality-of-life issues, such as crime, traffic, and safety. It's also a place to make new friends.

KWTneighbors strives to welcome new businesses to our neighborhood, support new ventures, help neighbors establish their businesses, and link to the community.