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Sunday, April 27, 2014


Sip into Spring
Saturday, May 3rd, 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

P.S. 230's annual Sip into Spring fund raiser will benefit the school's arts enrichment program. All funds will be used to support P.S. 230's Artists in Residence.


Buy tickets from Brown Paper Tickets.

    Admission Level              Price (plus a service fee)
PS 230 Teacher/Staff                         $20.00
General                                               $40.00
Dreamer Tickets                                 $60.00
Your name will be included on the Sip into Spring website.

Visionary Tickets                                 $100.00

Includes the dreamer benefit plus a prominent listing on the Sip Into Spring website and event signage.

IN SPIRIT                                              $20.00

Show your love of the arts at P.S.230 by purchasing as many non-attending tickets as you like.

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
53 Prospect Park West
between 1st and 2nd streets
Park Slope

                                                            Arts Residencies

School’s Programs
Ms. Suzie Shelton
Ms. Shelton is known as “Ms. Suzie” among the P.S. 230 children. “The benefits of music take children into an inner experience and move it into a shared creative experience…”
Jill Reiner
(From Singing Winds)
2nd Grade
This program integrates storytelling, folklore and crafts with social studies curriculum. Each second grade class creates a dramatic presentation based on their study of early New York history.
Arts Connection
(3rd Grade)
Creative Dramatics and Playmaking – Students chose a favorite storybook, adapt the storyline for stage, broke into small groups and wrote their own lines for each scene, cast each other in roles, embodied the characters, rehearsed, and performed the scenes for an audience of their peers. Along the way, peer feedback strategies and literature-related common core strands were woven into the class for a truly creative theatrical experience that was thoroughly grounded in the classroom.
Arts Connection
(4th Grade)
Play Writing – Students write and develop their own scenes, and then perform them in front of an audience of their peers. Along the way, peer feedback strategies and literature-related common core strands were utilized to ground this work in literary traditions and equip students with skills on which they can draw throughout their future academic journeys
Arts Connection
(5th Grade)
Creating Character in Scripted Work – Students learn to do close readings of literature, finding clues in texts about various aspects informing character such as the historical and cultural forces impinging on characters, their family, community, and inner world. This work helps build a strong skill set for not only theater work, but for the literary criticism around which so many English and World Literature classes in middle school, high school and college are based. Performance and public speaking skills are taught, and formative assessment strategies are incorporated throughout