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Monday, February 24, 2014


Community Board  7 Sanitation Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 27th, 6:30 p.m.

The two agenda items for Community Board 7's Sanitation Committee meeting are
  1. Expansion of the Organic Food Waste Recycling Program in CB 7, and
  2. Discussion on weekly recycling collection following holidays and non-collection.
Parts of Sunset Park will join the Organic Food Waste Recycling Program this spring. In this voluntary program, residents put their food waste by the curb on the same day as the rest of their recycling (paper, plastic, glass, and metal) for the Sanitation Department to pick up.

Eligible for recycling are food scraps, food-soiled paper, and yard waste, to be turned into compost. Learn more about the program at Thursday's meeting, but first read City Councilmember Brad Lander's description of the program prior to its introduction a few months ago in Windsor Terrace.

Meeting location
Community Board 7 Office
Board Room
4201 4th Avenue
Entrance on 43rd Street
Sunset Park, Brooklyn

phone: (718) 854-0003
fax: (718) 436-1142
e-mail: communityboard7 @ yahoo.com 
Twitter: @BkCB7