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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Community Board 12's Transportation Committee voted unanimously at its public hearing last night to approve the proposed safety plan for Albemarle Road. The plan had been proposed by the New York City Department of Transportation after its staff studied Albemarle's unique traffic problems.

An hour or so later, the committee chair reported to the board that it approves of the plan. The board then voted to approve the proposal, with two board members voting against it. 

The three-pronged plan will 
  • narrow the traffic lanes to encourage slower driving speeds,
  • construct two speed humps to slow down traffic, and
  •  post "no standing" signs for improved visibility.

Both speed humps will be installed on Albemarle, one between E. 2nd and E. 3rd and one between E. 4th and E. 5th.

"No Standing" signs have already been posted on Albemarle. One is at the southwest corner of E. 3rd Street. The other is on the northeast corner of E. 4th. The absence of a parked car at the corner improves visibility for everyone who is crossing or turning onto Albemarle Road.