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Wednesday, December 4, 2013


In some of the darkest days of my life I could always count on Bob to help me forget my pain. All without him ever knowing that he was doing just that.
In many ways I feel bad that everyone doesn’t have a “Bob Brennan” in their life.

Kensington storyteller Ron Lopez is mourning the passing of Bob Brennan Sr., an older friend from his block. Bob told Ron stories when Ron was young, and he meant the world to Ron. To honor him, Ron has reprinted "Bob Brennan, a Brooklyn Original," the tribute he wrote about Bob in 2008, now titled "Bob Brennan (Last night I lost a friend)."


Ron Lopez, in his blog "Kensington Stories," lovingly documents the people and events of Kensington from the 1960s on. Some people read the blog to reminisce, and others read it to learn who and what shaped the neighborhood we now choose to live in.