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Thursday, November 21, 2013


Jesse Dailey is under arrest for brushing up against a ten-year-old girl and groping her eleven-year-old friend on September 20th, groping an eleven-year-old girl on November 11th, and assaulting an undercover Special Victim’s Detective.

Two men witnessed Dailey assaulting the detective and chased him from 5th Avenue up to 6th and back down to 5th. When they caught up to him, they asked him to show them his ID, and he complied. Then one of them, forty-year-old Park Slope resident Lawrence Abdullah, photographed it.

On Tuesday, Abdullah saw on TV a photo of Dailey from a store's surveillance camera and realized it was the man he had pursued the day before. He gave the photo of Dailey's ID to police in the 78th Precinct. They went to Dailey's house on 13th Street at 6th Avenue on Wednesday and took the thirty-four-year-old into custody.

The September 20th attacks took place at about 4:30 p.m. on 5th Avenue between 10th and 12th streets. The November 11th attack took place at about 4:00 p.m. on 4th Street near 6th Avenue. The assault on the detective occurred on November 11th on 5th Avenue near 9th Street when the detective was investigating the assault that happened to the child earlier that day.

The charges against Dailey for the crimes against the children are first-degree sex abuse, forcible touching, and endangering the welfare of a child. For attacking the detective, he is charged with assault, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration.