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Monday, September 2, 2013


Local 338 of the RWDSU/UFCW (Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union / United Food and Commercial Workers International Union) is walking the picket line outside of Golden Farm in support of the relaunched shoppers' boycott. The notorious, inflatable Scabby the Rat has joined them.

Back in March 2012, eligible Golden Farm employees (the floorworkers/shelf-stockers, but not the cashiers) participated in an election supervised by the National Labor Relations Board. The majority of them voted in favor of having RWDSU be their collective bargaining representative.

The union and Golden Farm's owner, Sonil Kim, have been meeting since November 2012 to negotiate a contract that both the owner and the union feel is fair. While the process drags on and on with this particular store, store owners elsewhere in Brooklyn and in other boroughs have negotiated contracts with the union that have been to everyone's satisfaction. It can be done. It has been done.

In the meantime, during the boycott and picketing, honor the picket line by buying good-looking, good-tasting fruit and vegetables at good prices at New McDonald Fruit Corner, just three blocks west of Golden Farm. It's on the triangular street whose sides are on Church, Beverley, and E. 2nd Street, across from Walgreens. The store is under new management. 

New McDonald Fruit Corner
130 Church Avenue, at E. 2nd Street and Beverley Road
(718) 972-7402
