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Thursday, September 5, 2013


A neutered feral cat is returned to its home
on E. 7th Street and Friel Place.

From the Volunteers of "The Summer of 100 Feral Cats": 
We’re in the thick of kitten season and Stu Seit has not stopped his TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) efforts (120 stray cats spayed or neutered in the Kensington area since April!). This resulted in 17 kittens in his garage this weekend. We have an urgent need for foster and adoption. Please ask everyone you know (friends, relatives, co-workers) if they are interested in adding a furry friend to their household.
TNR is expensive, time-intensive, and often thankless work. And the hours are terrible! But it’s hard to say no to cat caretakers who don't know where else to turn. Stu is going to open up shop one more time this year with 15 slots at ASPCA on September 18. Contact Neighborhood Cats to volunteer or take a TNR workshop. Stu’s garage is where the real work of recovery care will take place, and it’s only a walk, bike ride, or short drive from most parts of Kensington.

There is just over a week left to donate towards this project and to help Stu out with numerous other projects he funded with his own money this year.

Please post the campaign link to your Facebook pages and encourage local blogs to highlight the amazing work that Stu has done. If more people in the community knew about this work, I’m sure they would want to help. We’ve raised $650 so far, which is great! Let’s keep that momentum going. Everything helps!
GoogleMap TNR Locations – Find out if ear-tipped cats are on your block.

A sampling of kittens up for adoption:
Cute black and white kitten with hip moustache
Teeny weeny kittens - black, gray, tux
Thanks so much to so many of you who have already done so much.
And thanks to Neighborhood Cats and Brooklyn Animal Action for posting our many kittens and cats for adoption.