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Friday, August 30, 2013


The ANA bulletin board

The newly-redesigned bulletin board of the Albemarle Neighborhood Association (ANA) looks bright and cheery. The board is on the wall in Foodtown near the cashiers. With fall approaching, be on the lookout for announcements about ANA's fall meeting schedule.

The focus of ANA since its founding in 1973--it's the oldest neighborhood association in Brooklyn--has been safety, security, and quality of life, concerns shared by all residents. Guest speakers have been the police precinct commander, Brooklyn borough president, city councilmember, state assemblymember, Sanitation Department, MTA, owner of Foodtown, and more.

Meetings are open to members and to non-members. No fee is charged to attend a meeting.

Non-members are welcome to join ANA and strengthen its numbers. Membership is open to anyone who resides in or owns a business in the area that ANA serves. Dues cost $20 per year for an individual or a family. Associate Membership dues for business owners cost $25 per year.

ANA meets once a month on a Thursday during the months of September, October, November, March, April, May, and June, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.