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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Good news for pedestrians who cross Ocean Parkway at Church Avenue: the final design for safety improvements at the Church Avenue-Ocean Parkway intersection will be completed in September and construction will begin in the fall.

The New York State Department of Transportation gives these specific details on its website:
  • A pedestrian refuge area--an island--will be constructed on the north side (the Prospect Expressway side) of the intersection. This island in the middle of an ocean of traffic will give pedestrians a safer place to stand when they don't make it all the way across Ocean Parkway on one green light. It will also shorten the distance between the eastern and western sides of Church Avenue.
  • New pedestrian signals and protective barriers will be installed on the pedestrian refuge island. New pavement striping will reduce traffic lane widths and provide space for the island.
  • High visibility crosswalk markings will be installed on the north side of the intersection.
  • New flashing signals with yellow arrows for right-turning vehicles will be added, warning motorists to proceed with caution and yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.
  • New "Traffic Signal Ahead" signs will be installed along the south-bound Prospect Expressway.
  • Speed limit signs will be installed on Ocean Parkway.
  • Warning signs will be replaced.

The $200,000 allocated in April 2012 for these safety improvements (through the participatory budgeting process) will finally be used.