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Saturday, June 15, 2013


Jay "Rocket" Ruiz, Brooklyn Bike Patrol President and Founder

Jay "Rocket" Ruiz is a good person with a big heart. He cares about other people. He's willing to help strangers. He turns them into friends. Brooklyn is a better place because Jay lives here.

When Jay saw the video on TV of one of the first of many sexual assaults on the women of Brooklyn, he leaped into action. He created, organized, and nurtured Brooklyn Bike Patrol.

Sadly, Jay wrote on his Facebook page yesterday
Attention Brooklyn!! This is Jay Ruiz President and Founder. This is the most difficult post I'm ever going to make. This pass Saturday & Monday I had a heart attack. I ride 150-200 miles a week and do 100 pushups a day. I thought it was heartburn! Finally made it to the hospital yesterday after 3 days of vomiting. I was shocked to learn what my heart been through. But I have to say that we going to shut down this service. I'm so sorry to all the women that depends on our service. Remember that I love doing this and I'm very proud of what the BBP has become and and all the people we helped. I ask for you to give me and my family privacy during this time. God bless and i love you all. And remember ladies watch your surroundings and stay alert.
Jay is a hero who created an opportunity for other Brooklynites to be heroes. The members of Brooklyn Bike Patrol (BBP) were volunteers whose consciences led them to devote time to protecting people they didn't know. They provided the free service because they cared. They walked women home from fifty-eight (!) subway stations and from anywhere in their neighborhoods, like a friend's house, a restaurant, or a bus stop.

The volunteers worked every day. Sundays to Thursdays, from 8 p.m. to midnight. Fridays and Saturdays, from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.

Jay, thank you for caring, for your kind deeds, and for inspiring others. We're so glad you're alive. We send you love and wish you a quick recovery.